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Rian and Noah's Move to South Carolina 2006

(Created 14 August 2006)

(Starring Rian Joy, Noah, Mommy, Daddy, Kelly, Cousin Levi, Cousin Mesa, Cousin Lane, Aunt T.J., uncle Bart, Finch, Great Grandma Krautschun, Grandma Krautschun, Grandpa Krautschun, Grandpa Gibson, Grandma Gibson, Grandma Campbell, Grandpa Campbell, Great grandpa Cronk, and Great Grandma Cronk)


Dear Grandma and Pop Pop,d

ma a

nd Grandpa,

Well we made it to South Carolina but it wasn't easy.  We had to stop and see all of our Gram Grams and Pop Pops.


It was sad to leave Lawton, OK.  We will miss Kelly and Michael, Kasandra and Charles.


First we went to meet our Great Grandma Krautschun.  Daddy hadn't even met her.  She was so nice.


We made it to South Dakota in two days,  Noah and I already felt like world travelers.  Come to find out the whole gang was at the Krautschun's.


Levi, Mesa, and Rian built a big Fort.  It was awesome.


Grandpa Krautschun let me try some vegetables, they are not so bad once you drench them in Ranch Dressing.


Noah started to crawl, or at least wiggle around the floor!



He quickly wiggled over and made friends with Cousin Lane.


Then he made good friends with Mesa.


I did too!


Then we all caught up with good old Levi. (How did Mommy get us all to look... Magic).


Aunt T.J. even found time to read me a story.


Then we conned Uncle Finch to do the same.


Well if the adults can do it so can we.


Pop Pop spent some time with Noah. This picture is missing something, can you guess what it is?




And he showed me how to use the phone.  You can't stop me now.


Then Gram Gram wanted some Quality Time.


Gram Gram and I did some yard work!


Reno even helped.


Then Gram Gram and I took our ponies for a ride.  See how far my pony can turn his neck.


Mesa and I went down to the creek and played in the freezing water.


And when we were outside I met my new arch enemy this baby cow.


Noah had a big day on Sunday.  He got baptized.


Look at this bunch of God Parents with little Noah.


Then Mommy and Daddy with Noah on his Special Day.


Then Noah and I headed down to Rapid City to play with Pop Pop and Grandma Gibson.



I got to play with a super cute kitty.  Can I have one Mommy?


Noah did not seem too enthused.


I guess he was hungry.


We went to Deadwood to a new Kangaroo Farm where I got to pet a Joey!


And then we went to Old McRian's Farm again. Hip Hip Hooray!


Boy I am getting big.


Next year maybe Noah can ride the train with me.


Pop Pop took me on a Pony ride.



Noah played with his toes, while Daddy pushed me on a swing.  That was fun.


We were a silly bunch of Roosters.


We had one last stop with Grandma and Pop pop Gibson.  Bear Country was great those little bears were soooo funny.


We sure had fun in Rapid City.  Bye Gibson's we have to hit the road.


Next stop Grandma and Pop Pop Campbell. Yeah!


But we had a Surprise. It was our Great Grandpa Cronk's Birthday the big 8-0.


Boy was he happy to see all of his friends and his favorite great grand babies.


The best part is when he shared his cake though.


So I shared my little brother.


Brothers they grow up so quickly.


We sure had fun visiting our Great Grandma and Grandpa Cronk.


Gram Gram and Pop Pop took us back to Detriot and we got to go to the zoo. Hooray!


I made a pretty cute groundhog.


Then they took me and Noah to a Professional Baseball Game.  Cool!


I rode the Carousel.


The Ferris Wheel.


It was so much fun that Noah passed out. What a great time we had we will miss you Gram Gram and Pop Pop.


Well that brings us to South Carolina.  What have we been doing since we got here.  I am riding more ponies. This one Sneezed and scared me.


Riding more carousels.


Seeing more animals.


Trying new foods.


And missing all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, Gram Grams and Pop Pops.  So until next time.  We love you!

Uncle "The Cow" Bart, I guess you skipped out on the pictures, next time I will be old enough to wrestle you down and get one!!

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